Ray McCune For President!


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I wrote this originally in 2010, but it's still relevant, in fact, even more so as the alphabet soup of Obamas transgressions come to light. Can we save America?

Okay here's my Platform. The big issues first. And I admit I don't know anything about what it will take to get these things done. Because like most Americans, I find the Government isn't transparent, so I can't find out what is really happening until I get the job, but this is what I would intend to do, if given the opportunity.

The Constitution: Right now, there's way too much interpretation and not enough reading with comprehension. It says what it means, it works. Quit screwing with it.

American English is the official and only National Language of The United States of America: Learn it or leave. If a business wants to add languages to their products to make them better accepted by "another language speaking people" that's a business decision.

Religion and Government: As this country was settled by Puritans, (who, admittedly, stole the land from the indigenous people, which needs to be rectified) and the government was set up by religious people who believed in, and called on, a god, about everything, and considering it has lasted 200 years—leave it alone. Trying to remove references to God from everything governmental is a waste of time and effort. Nowhere does it say anyone has to believe in any particular gods to live here. So it makes no real difference, and does no harm. Leave it alone.

The Jews: nothing against them, sure seem to make their own mess to wallow in, but we helped put them where they are. We need to continue to support them. But, stop supporting their expansionist and "warlike" activities. Tough call here, as they are surrounded by the people we helped displace to give them a place to be. Maybe we should move both groups to the plains of Afghanistan after we clear it of terrorists and turn the "Holy Land" into a theme park for all the religions to share, no overnight visitors allowed.

Abortion: well this one never made any sense to me as a political issue, this is a medical issue and a decision a person has to make about their own body and karma. Get the government out of medicine, which includes getting lawyers out of medicine. You want health care to be cheap? Get rid of lawyers and malpractice insurance involvement and it will be way cheaper. If a dozen people are found to have a legitimate complaint about a particular doctor he becomes a vet and after that, if he screws up a dozen animals, he gets fed to the pigs, probably a fate more desirable than the courts.

Big Government: well if the federal government was the correct size unemployment would be at 50% rather than 10+%. So It will take time to get it back under control, Those in the wrong place could be used to shred stupid laws and tax-loophole legislation. That would take a couple years, and allow time to retrain them for productive positions in the economy.

The 28th amendment, all laws passed by congress pertain to all Americans. No political loop holes, no outs. If medicare is good enough for grandma, it good enough for the Honorable Senator from California...

Gun Control, is using both hands. As there is no way to keep criminals from having guns, and that goes for all levels of government, Gun control is a dumb concept. When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Yada Yada, I think everyone over the age of 18 should be trained and required to maintain a gun of some nature. Check out the gun violence records of Switzerland, where all males of age are required to own and maintain a weapon as part of their military responsibility to their country. NO sane person would ever kill another sane person. So let's control insane people, instead. And require all upright, competent, citizens to be trained in the use of and maintenance of weapons. And strap them out where they can be seen, so violence will have to think twice before rearing it's ugly head.

Taxes: I know nothing about economy as practiced in Washington or Wall Street, and I say that with PRIDE! However, I believe that a flat tax of 15% (As I admit I know nothing about economics on this scale, I would like this number to be smaller but I'll allow for half what it is now, being a likely starting point) for everybody above the poverty level, including business, and no tax loopholes would be reasonable. NEW RULE IN AMERICA (If one group gets it everybody gets it). We should be rolling in dough, other countries will send their business here, because we will have the lowest, simplest taxes in the world. Wall Street.. there must be a way to eliminate betting against America and making money doing it. I know so little about derivatives, but I have a feeling they are based on screwing the majority of the country to make a profit. I'm sure there is a cure for it.

Simple laws: The main reason for lawyers is to interpret the complexities of the legal system. Remove them. Make all laws self explanatory and completely understandable. If a law is passed with unforeseen consequences, it is immediately repealed and rewritten to be unambiguous. This will keep Congress too busy to start a fight about dumb crap like party affiliations. Oh, and eliminate lawyers working on commission, set a reasonable fee for their services, and jury awards go only to the winner. Of course by eliminating medical malpractice (see above) most of the jury awards will be small potatoes anyway.

Stem Cell research: Again this is a medical issue, and in fact a science issue as well. I believe there is nowhere science shouldn't explore. Science is self regulating (white papers, peer review, and the like). Besides, the stem cell controversy is based on misplaced religiosity anyway, and if the government wants to keep its religious flavor (see number one above) it can't use religion to govern, or it gives ammunition to those that would "go all out" to remove all vestiges of it.

Racial/sexual/human equality: Until a way is discovered to purge minds of particular thoughts, we are about as far as we can go here. In reducing stupid laws, and rewriting the rules so they make sense to everyone, I'm hopeful that any actual inequalities are corrected. And all the discrimination, and reverse and sideways discrimination, is eliminated. No special rules, no special laws. A life is worth the same be it policeman, judge, or government official. This will also eliminate the Hate crime crap.

The EPA and the IRS: These are two groups that need to be reined in; they need power and flexibility, and a reasonable focus.

CIA, FBI, NSA: Of course like most Americans, I have no idea what these groups do. I know Americans need to be protected, in country and out, and these guys seem to be doing a pretty good job. I'm sure they need better technology, and somebody to keep them out of my Emails, and who cares what internet sites I frequent?

The Armed Forces: Give them what they need, and a place to use it, and let them do their job. They have no business operating in the U.S. unless we are invaded. That's what the National Guard is for—in country humanitarian operations and individual state defense. Need to get that straightened out ASAP because the NG is now a functional wing of the National Military, and I believe, more than half its standing manpower. I would like to know on whose watch we repealed the 1878 POSSE COMITATUS Act?

Immigration: There are laws, and rules and borders. Enforce them, and make the borders functional.

Patriot Law: We'll get that fixed during the simple laws phase combined with re-reading the constitution.

Energy issues: Most of the non-legal and non-freedom issues are energy issues. I am in favor of nuclear reactors and solar farms and wind farms. High speed transport systems and under ground transportation and power distribution grids. Electric cars and trucks and tractors. Here are jobs, and research / discovery opportunities, and maybe freedom from fossil fuels, which would clean up the environment, and as the president runs the car companies now anyway, it should be easier to get things changed over.

Ohio Workers Compensation Program: I would really like to correct all Workers Compensation Programs. It's wrong to let people get screwed over forever because these programs are usurped by the employers. This one I can do without much input....

Dumb-ass warning labels. People who don't know to remove their clothing before ironing it, and to refrain from making toast in the bathtub, are too dumb to understand the labels anyway. Come on.

The deficit: OMG! Is anyone in Washington AWAKE?????

Entitlement programs? I'd need panels of experts giving alternatives for programs I know nothing about. Social Security is untouchable. Education should be free to everyone. Communication and transportation should be freely, and universally available.

My special qualifications: I have worked in factories, (skilled trade, Machinist), in schools, (janitorial, and as a teacher), in state/ local government, (Emergency Management / FEMA), I have served in the military, (Army National Guard, aviation) and in paramilitary organizations. I was a city Firefighter/Paramedic for years, as well as a scuba diver, rope rescue and Hazmat specialist. Worked on farms at both ends of my careers. And currently am disabled and retired. Oh, and I'm an African American by birth, I have a birth certificate I can't read, it's in French. I am totally qualified, and politically unsullied. And, if required to make everyone happy, I will seal my records and make up a string of lies about my lineage. But I really hope that won't be necessary.

The Chores, Fresh Air, Green Acres is for ME.




The happy Nada Farmer, not too sure I'd like living in the white house, but it's only for a couple years and then I can come back to enjoy a corrected country. And maybe I could save up enough for a new set of tires for the tractor. Oh and I will accept all donations, send me an email and I'll tell you where to send the money to buy our country back...


Keep coming back, I'm sure there will be small adjustments to this page as people help me understand the real issues.

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