Personal Observations
What I'm up to now.

I finally got the farm land I've always wanted.

I bought 27 acres near Kimbolton Ohio. There are a variety of buildings, and geographic characteristics. A stream, a hilltop, a few prominent rock outcroppings, and a small wooded area. Ripe for various versions of free power attempts and odd items such as a natural marble grinder, and a tree house that my grandkids can spend the night in, if they want to.

I'm hoping to be able to develop some workable home systems to keep batteries charged and run whatever home systems I can.

It appears there will be some challenges regarding the internet, We haven't found anyone that can provide better than dialup at this point, not too promising.

I'm hoping to get my ham operation back on the air, there is a great place to put an antenna up, but I'm getting some static (pun intended) from one of the other inhabitants. She doesn't like the idea of anything that she will look at that isn't what she want's, like trees and tall weeds, she claims they are grasses, who knows.

I am going to move and live as a free man for a while, away from the issues that have surfaced in my little area of the world. I hope not to hear any thumpa thumpa of ghetto music and maybe there will not be people changing their clothing on my front porch after breaking in to area houses, and I also hope not to have thugs breaking the windows out of my house because I won't let them beat their ghetto whores outside my window, (I really had a great couple weeks this summer). I hope never to see another health department official. I have been looking for thirty years but there was always something more important, someones high school friends, or college, or being in the center of town for photo finishing availability, or being available to babysit someones kids, always something. But finally it was someone elses desire to get away from the rapidly deteriorating neighborhood and I get to start looking in earnest.

After passing on over a hundred properties, I finally found one that was sufficient for my wife and her mother. Gee I'm lucky to have twenty five acres where I can enjoy myself. More to come as the saga unfolds.


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Akron Fire 2002

The Worker Comp Situation in Ohio.

As a victim of it's care I have some observations.

Though it is often represented as a noble outgrowth of Benjamin Franklins concern over the basic welfare of workers, injured on the job . It is not! It is a sham in place to protect business from litigation. This revelation was shared with me finally. not by my lawyer, but by a new lawyer starting out in the field of W.C. Law
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Fire Training

Some of the situations I have encountered in various facilities at which I have taught, are not in keeping with the strictest teachings that we provide others. This is not news to those who are familiar with the fire service, or government in any of it's forms,but it is distressing to find in the very halls that propose to help eliminate it.

I have seen the "because I'm the Chief , (Boss, Parent, Mommy) reason given for too many issues that could have been easily resolved with a little exchange of pertinent information. I have heard "Because that's the way we've always done it" given as a "reason" for the launching of yet another half assed attempt to accomplish something that could be vastly improved with just a little effort, and even made palatable for the sufferer of the 15th iteration of the new thing, which hasn't changed since the start of its implementation 20 years ago!

I have taught classes related to the development of leaders. To everyone but the leaders that are the biggest problem in the situations we are faced with. And well, I have a hard time facing a new recruit and telling him, it will be fair and right in his career span and that things will get better.

But I still think he has a right to start out believing it will. Is this wrong?

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