Ray McCune's Website

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The power saga continues!


This is the first page downloaded from home on a dial up connection, so there are few pictures. As I get the bugs worked out there will be more content in a more timely manner!

So now we'll see how this works.


I buzzed into town to get a few feet of wire for the garage project. I brought the wire from Lake Street because I remembered it was way oversized and I can get a smaller wire to do the same job and keep the oversized wire for around the farm, I have a couple projects in mind where a heavy wire will be required due to the incredible power I intend to generate using "alien technologies" next summer. But for now, I need to get power into the garage for the machinery and welders I have to use to build the secret generator plants I have the plans for. Until I heard the estimate for the wire, over $400.00 for wire! WOW, I may have to start doing something profitable soon, if this keeps up. I still "needa tractor" despite the daily reminder that it's Nada Farm.

Add to that the fact that, I haven't been able to get out around the farm this week, or last week, at all. Mainly due to Chris's bilateral knee replacement surgery, and my being the only competent caretaker that will come this far out, but that's a real annoying story, thanks Medical Mutual of Ohio, again I have the crappiest coverage available. I can see where medical issues can ruin peoples lives, surviving the illness is less of a challenge, than surviving the systems in place to deal with it. As it is still in the process of "phone tag" I'll wait for a rant page, but I'm guessing it will deserve one. Just a quick point, we are 12.7 miles from the courthouse in the center of Cambridge, but too far out for an" in home therapist" to travel. That is really a dumb argument, but there are more.

Back to power concerns. I need about a hundred amps, usually, and I seldom run more than one machine at a time, due to safety issues. I actually should have someone watch me most of the time. I generally end up on fire, or trapped in something at some point or other, in most things that I do. It's just the nature of the things that I do, combined with my decreased mobility that conspire to get me killed. I can't look behind me enough to see things moving, or back a trailer without good mirrors, because of the titanium in my neck, which also affects my ability to wear a helmet, or face shield of any weight. Combine that with the constant back pain and the drugs I need to control that and well, I'm a cripple by all documented medical accounts and should probably be wasting away in bed. But I'd rather weld and build stuff, so, until I'm totally paralyzed, I need power. And time in a daylight period to get it installed. Because as always, the power corner is back and away from the open doors that provide a beautiful sunny day's light. And things are already piled in the way, mainly because my shelves are still in the other garage. And this power corner needs to have more accessability than the last one did, because of the alternative power options I intend to incorporate, and just for safety sake, as I am not as stable moving around as I used to be. So making things wheel chair acccessible just makes sense at this point, because it is inevitable, considering my situation. But on to more upbeat things, electrocution, I hate working on "hot" circuits, i really like turning off a breaker and knowing things aren't going to get more exciting than I'd like. I also like to have a watcher, somebody to call for help if i need it. I know, kinda wimpy, but I also know what has happened to others, that could have been much different with a few precautions. So I like to get things done but with, at least, a little help.

I have a small situation in process due to the activities of some hornets who have taken up residency in my bathroom at the other house. Seems they felt it necessary to bore a hole through the ceiling and enter into the house. I vacummed up about two hundred of them with a shop vac and only got stung once. But today when I went down to check they are still active and have built a "paper" doorway into the bathroom and are expanding their operations indoors.

I finally found their outside entryway, so I'll put a vacum there, and inside, and see how many I can remove from their operation, and hopefully starve them out. I'm really not interested in cohabitiating with them at this point.

It's always something.

Isn't Nature a wonderful thing?

Man, are we happy out here!


The Chores, Fresh Air, Green Acres is for ME.






The happy Nada Farmer, doing pretty well considering the handicaps, but most because of the "physical help" of others, which will diminish as the school season starts and the weather turns to crap..



Keep coming back , page fourteen follows......soon .



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